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October is Global Ergonomics Month

Sprains, strains, and work-related musculoskeletal disorders account for more than 30% of total workers’ compensation injury claims in Washington state each year. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders include injuries to the muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, cartilage, and spinal discs.

During Global Ergonomics Month and year-round, supervisors and personnel should consider the following resources to help prevent injuries:


New self-service access to online safety training

Alumni, affiliates, visitors, and students with valid UW NetIDs are (at various times) not able to log into EH&S online training courses and will see an error message when attempting to do so. This is because Bridge, the UW learning management system, does not recognize their UW affiliation. The Environmental Health & Safety Department (EH&S) developed a new self-service tool to assist these individuals with obtaining access to Bridge.