Institutional Safety Committees
Environmental Health & Safety facilitates institutional committees with responsibilities for research safety and compliance, occupational health and safety, and environmental protection at the University.
Advisory Committee on Communicable Diseases
The University of Washington’s Advisory Committee on Communicable Diseases (ACCD) is an interdisciplinary group of subject matter experts and operational leaders that conducts the activities to reduce the risk of, prepare for, and address the University’s needs related to communicable disease outbreaks.
Diving Control Board
The Diving Control Board is an institutional committee assigned to oversee diving safety for the University. The Diving Control Board's functions are carried out pursuant to the American Academy of Underwater Sciences Scientific Diving Standards.
Infectious Waste Committee
The Infectious Waste Committee oversees the University’s biohazardous waste procedures for compliance with federal, state, funding agency, and Seattle and King County regulations and policies related to handling, transport, decontamination, and disposal of such materials.
Institutional Biosafety Committee
The Institutional Biosafety Committee reviews, approves and oversees research involving the use of recombinant or synthetic DNA/RNA and other biohazards.
Institutional Chemical and Physical Safety Committee
The Institutional Chemical and Physical Safety Committee has specific oversight responsibilities for chemical and physical hazards in all research and teaching activities conducted in University owned and operated laboratories, and in field research.
Montlake Landfill Oversight Committee
The UW Executive Vice President established the Montlake Landfill Oversight Committee in 1999 to ensure appropriate use and protection of the site into perpetuity. EH&S reviews all projects that occur on the Montlake Landfill to ensure workers are aware of methane gas, soil and groundwater contamination, and landfill cap issues.
Radiation Safety Committee
The Radiation Safety Committee is responsible for the safe use of radiation producing devices and radioactive materials at all UW locations, including the UW Medical Center and Harborview Medical Center.
University-Wide Health & Safety Committee
The University-Wide (U-Wide) Committee was established to connect the 10 organizational health and safety committees together and discuss health and safety concerns that relate to the whole University.