Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) launched the revamped course Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) for Researchers Online! The updated version offers enhanced language, visuals, and interactivity to provide a more engaging and informative learning experience. This updated course reflects the latest best practices and regulatory requirements, ensuring that lab workers, researchers, professors, and students receive the most relevant and valuable training possible.
As a reminder, this training is required for all individuals who are assigned work activities in a research setting with a reasonably anticipated potential for exposure to human blood and other potentially infectious materials containing bloodborne pathogens (BBP). It is a critical element in maintaining a safe and healthy laboratory environment.
Access the course through the course information page on our website. You can also explore our EH&S Course Catalog to find information about all our trainings.
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the updated training, please contact us.
Thank you for your commitment to safety and compliance. By staying informed and participating in our training initiatives, you contribute to the protection of yourself and others in the laboratory environment.