Emergency Washing Equipment


Emergency washing equipment (EWE) is provided in UW facilities for the purpose of rinsing chemicals or other harmful agents from the eyes or skin. It is an important safety tool that can prevent or limit damage to the body from exposure to harmful agents. Examples include:


Eyewashes are required in areas where any of the following agents are used: corrosives; strong irritants; or toxic chemicals of concern.


The trouble with UV light in your biosafety cabinet

Does your biological safety cabinet (BSC) have an ultraviolet (UV) lamp in it? If so, it may not be as effective for sterilization/decontamination purposes as you need it to be.

Ultraviolet radiation is a form of non-ionizing radiation, and biological effects from it vary with wavelength, photon energy, and duration of exposure. The 100-280 nm wavelength band is designated as UV-C, which is used for germicidal purposes.

The sterilization/decontamination activity of UV lights is limited by a number of factors, including:

Safety and Program Manuals

All University personnel and students are required to follow the guidance provided in the University’s safety manuals and program manuals that are applicable to hazards in their work area and/or associated with a specific job task.

The safety and program manuals listed below were prepared in accordance with federal, state and local regulations and policies.

Click on the title to access each manual.