Lab Safety Dashboard

PI Dashboard

Chair Dashboard 

Dean Dashboard 

Executive Dashboard 

Click on a link above to access the Lab Safety Dashboard.

Contact the Lab Safety Team for help accessing a dashboard.

Lab safety rating

The Lab Safety Dashboard shows the lab's safety rating calculated from the most recent lab safety inspection results. The UW target, the UW average, the average for the college or school where the lab belongs, and the average rating of the home department are given as reference.

Benchmark Rating %
UW Target: 85
UW Average: 83
College/School Average:  84
Department Average:  89


If the lab receives a rating at 85 or above, this message is given: Based upon your recent laboratory inspection findings, you are meeting the University expectations for safety. Congratulations! You have been issued an award certificate.  A link to print the PI Award Certificate is provided. 

If the lab receives a rating between 85 and 75, this message is given:  Based upon your recent laboratory inspection findings, you are nearing University expectations.

If the lab receives a rating below 75, this message is given:  Based upon your recent laboratory inspection findings, opportunity for improvement is evident. Please work with EH&S to improve safety in your laboratory.

The responsible parties and the chemical hygiene officers (CHO) or any delegates may access the Lab Safety Dashboard to review and respond to the current inspection findings and comments for 30 days. After it is published, a report is available for 30 days; after that time the report becomes part of the history, which are the closed surveys available for review that cannot be edited. The dashboard provides a PDF copy of the inspection report, the ID, the name of the responsible party, the inspection date, the date the dashboard will close, the number of findings, the number of responses and the EH&S acknowledgement of the response. There is also comment space for the inspector and for the lab parties.


Laboratory Safety Contact

(206) 685-3993