COVID-19 Signage

Updated July 9, 2024

All UW units are encouraged to use and distribute the signs below to help keep the UW community informed about current University COVID-19 and respiratory virus policies and recommendations.

Refer to the COVID-19 Signage Updates for guidance on required and optional signs for placement at building entrances and in common areas.

  • Building coordinators are responsible for the placement of required signs at building entrances.
  • UW healthcare facilities are required to place signs indicating face covering requirements. Refer to the UW Face Covering Policy for more information.

Maintaining consistent and accurate messaging across the University helps the UW community stay informed, safe, and healthy.

The signs below are intended for display in hardcopy format.

Please check the most recent publication date when removing or replacing a poster.

Download and print COVID-19 signs


COVID-19 Campus Support Contact

(206) 543-7262