Nominate yourself or a UW colleague to serve on a health and safety committee


It is time for the biannual health and safety committee elections.  Nominations will open soon for the next two-year committee term, which will begin on January 1, 2022. Please nominate yourself or a colleague to serve on a committee.

Health and safety committee members are an important component of the University’s health and safety program. Every employee is represented by one of the ten organizational health and safety committees.  Committee members are elected by their peers, selected by a union, or appointed by University management for a two-year term. Members review accident reports, the University’s Accident Prevention Plan, safety related materials provided by Environmental Health & Safety, and help identify and address potential hazards to the campus community.  

Health and safety committee members play an important role in the communication flow between the organizational committees and departments. Committee members can share departmental safety concerns at organizational committee meetings or at the University-Wide Health and Safety Committee meeting. Likewise, information is distributed to the organizational committees that members can share with their departments.   

All staff and faculty -- managers, full-time, temporary, hourly, or student employees -- are eligible to be nominated for and serve on a health and safety committee. You can nominate yourself or any other eligible employee. 

For more information on how to get involved with your health and safety committee, contact the chair of your committee. Current committee rosters and more information on the election process can be found on the Health and Safety Committees webpage.


Information and reporting structure of the Health and Safety Committees